Terms of service

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No experience required


Booking deposits vary from $50 to $100 and are taken to ensure clients show up for their appointments. If they are not used as part of a further order, they are refunded within 14 days attendance of the photo shoot.

All clients under the age of 22 should be accompanied by a parent (not a legal guardian), unless cleared with studio management.

All changes of appointment are subject to an additional $50 refundable booking deposit, which will be added to the existing deposit.

If you fail to show, or cancel your appointment less than 7 working days before your appointment in writing*, you will lose your booking deposit and you may be charged a studio hire fee of $50. This is to cover the expense of the creative staff and studio time.

Postal Address: 4613 North University Drive, Suite 158, Coral Springs, FL, 33067
Email to inquiries@discovery-models.com
www.discovery-models.com is owned and operated by The Photo Studio Group New York LLC

Purchases at the Studio

All copyrighted images are sold on the day of the shoot only. Other goods such as Efolios and Composite Cards can be purchased at a later date. Please ensure you are happy with the quality before ordering. All purchased images, Efolios and Digital ZCards are sent electronically via email within 6 weeks of placing the order, and Prints are received via post within 6 weeks.

Once a client has left the premises having placed an order, the studio is unable to cancel the order, however this does not affect your statutory rights.

All retouching is free of charge and as such is done at the studio’s discretion.


The Photo Studio Group New York LLC may collect anonymous and aggregate information from you about your preferences in navigating www.discovery-models.com website by using cookies, action tags and the like.

Cookies are small text files that identify your computer. We may use cookies to, among other things, monitor website usage, customise website features, identify your computer’s operating system and browser, and complete transactions. An action tag is a small, graphic image on a webpage that is designed to allow the website owner or a third party to monitor who is visiting a website by collecting the IP address of the computer to which the tag is sent, the URL of the webpage that the tag comes from and the time that such webpage was viewed. Tags may be associated with cookie information. We may also use such anonymous and aggregate information for promotional purposes.

If you do not want us to track such information about you, you can independently set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse cookies when your browser alerts you to their presence. You can also adjust the settings in your browser to refuse all cookies.

Privacy Policy

ii. What information do we collect about you?

We collect information about you when you make an application with us online, when you make a booking with us and when you attend for a photographic shoot. The personal information we collect includes your: Full name, Address and Postcode, Telephone number and mobile, email address, age, photographs, and body measurements such as eye colour, height, waist etc.

iii. How will we use the information about you?

The information which we hold about you will be used in order to review your application. If we believe you have modelling potential, then we will use the information which you have given to us to contact you and arrange an appointment.

iv. If we have tried to arrange an appointment with you and have not received a response from you, we may from time to time contact you in order to try and arrange an appointment. If you do not want us to do so, please contact us at inquiries@discovery-models.com to tell us.

v. We may use images of you on our social media platforms or websites. However, we will only do so if you tell us you consent to us using your images when you attend for a photographic shoot and agree to an order. If you have previously given consent and no longer want us to use your images please contact us at inquiries@discovery-models.com to tell us.

vi. What is our lawful basis for using your data?

We process the information which you provide to us on your application form because you have given your consent to us using the information to review your application and contact you about it.

Where you have provided us with your consent in the past, but no longer want us to use your data as we have described above, you have the right to withdraw your consent. To withdraw your consent, contact us at inquiries@discovery-models.com.

vii. If you book an appointment with us and attend a photographic shoot, we will ask you to sign a copy of our client order form, this is a contract and we will process your data as necessary in order to carry out the terms of the contract.

Sharing your information

If you attend an appointment and purchase printed images or a canvas from us, your images and contact information will be shared with our portfolio provider. This is in order to allow them to produce the images and deliver these to your address.

ix. If you purchase an e-folio, we may share your images in order to create the website.

x. We share your payment details and name with SquareUp, who will process your payment on our behalf.

xi. We share your information with our marketing and business development company.

xii. We also work with two companies who have access to our website database, which includes your personal data. These companies assist us in developing our website, and our data base.

xiii. If you purchase a package at the studio we may also offer you a referral service whereby we will share the details set out in iii) above with relevant parties within the model and talent industry. We would ask you first to opt in to sharing your data with these companies at the studio, which is optional.

xiv. Other than as set out above, we do not share your information with any other companies or organisations, unless required to do so by law.

xv. Sharing data outside of the EU. Some of the companies that we work with are based outside of the European Union. These companies are based in the United States and the Philipines.

Retaining your information

We will need to keep a record of the information you have given us in order to complete your booking and carry out the service. This will not be retained for any longer than is necessary and if we do not hear from you within 36 months, this will be deleted automatically.

xvii. If you purchase one of our packages, we will keep your payment plan for 24 months after the final payment has been processed in order to prevent credit card misuse. All accounts information is stored for 6 years, as we are required to store this information by law.

xviii. We will keep a copy of your images in a secure environment for 6 years in order to ensure that we can share these with you if you require them in the future. If you do not want us to store your images, they can be deleted upon request at inquiries@discovery-models.com.

xix. We record calls, for training purposes. We will delete all recordings after three months.


xxi. We will always ask for consent to process a child’s data (13 and under). Parents or the person responsible who holds parental responsibility of the child will always need to opt in to our processing of their data both a) when filling out a registration form online, and b) when attending a photo shoot at one of our studios.


xxxii. We have security such as Anti-virus and firewalls in place in order to ensure your data is stored securely. Most of the data is kept in secure servers maintained by hosting companies. We have strict password and other access policy.


Every time you log on to our website your IP (Internet Protocol) address registers on our servers. Your IP address reveals no information other than the number assigned to you. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer hard drive that enables the tracking of visitor numbers to a website. This information is used for statistical analysis of visitor and log on numbers to our website.

Changes to our privacy policy

We will occasionally update this Privacy Notice. We will tell you about these changes by posting a notification at the top of our website.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the data we hold about you, please contact us: By email at inquiries@discovery-models.com









Plus Size

Plus Size

Body Parts

Body Parts



